Vanuatu Festivals, Tours and Animations for Yachts

Festival schedules, like everything in Vanuatu, are subject to change so it pays to check with the Vanuatu Tourism Office a few weeks before a festival is supposed to start just to see what the latest guestimate schedule is :-)
Pentecost Land Diving - Every Saturday in May & June
The Nagol land diving festival is held at southern Pentecost. Yachts anchor at Homo or Wali Bay.
The ceremonies are held every Saturday from May to June. Young men jump from tall wooden platforms with vines tied to their ankles as a test of their courage and passage into manhood. Land diving takes place at Londot, Lonorore, Rangusuksu all in the island of Pentecost.
Call +678 77 23 374 / +678 53 48 846 for more information.
Ambrym Festivals
June 27-28 Sand Drawing Festival, Olal, Ambrym
Celebrating the unique art form of sand drawing.
July 8 Fanla Slow Food Festival, Fanla Ambrym
Celebrating traditional local dishes. Women and young girls demonstrate food preparation and, after food tasting, men will talk and do acts about when the European ships discovered Ambrym. Contact Freddy Roromal, 7722853 / 5441025 or James Roromal 7783717
July 10, Lylywy Cultural Festival, Sisivi, Ambrym
Traditional Rom Dance performed in the western part of Ambrym. Men dressed in traditional Rom masks and grass robes repesent warriors, singing and dancing
July 11-12 Fanla Cultural Festival, Fanla
One of the most authentic, energetic and well-costumed kastom festivals in Vanuatu performed in ancestral dance grounds, black magic performances and sand drawing.
July 18 Ancestors Life Heritage Lonwolwol, Ambrym
Custom dancing, magic shows, growing and preparation of traditional foods and a feast. Yachts can buy an assortment of fresh veggies after the festival. Note: Cultural dances, sand drawing, black magic tricks and a lunch can be performed for yachts at any time. 1 to 4 people costs 5000 vt per person. Book 2 days before arrival.
Contact jessietemar@gmail, WhatsApp +6785487330.
8 August Dip Point Volcano Eruption Exhibition Lonwolwol West Ambrym
Contact jessietemar@gmail, WhatsApp +6785487330
The first medical clinic on Ambrym was established at Lake Lonwolwol. It was destroyed in a volcanic eruption in 1912. The villagers commemorate the volcanic eruption with custom dancing, magic tricks, sand drawing, and a feast. The program runs all day, from 8 in the morning until a beach BBQ in the evening followed by a string band and dancing untill 8 in the evening. Full details and photos are on the Rocket Cruising Guide.
15-16 August Ambrym Back to My Roots Festival Olal, North Ambrym
Yachts can anchor at Olal and Nobul, north Ambrym. Day one of the festival will feature custom dances, tam tam drumming, magic shows and a Yeng Dance, which will be the highlight of the day. The second day will begin with a Women’s custom dance, followed by a Namangi ceremony (highlight), flute demonstrations, sand drawings and more custom magic shows. On the third day the Taour custom dance will start at 9.30am, followed by women’s custom dance, then highlight of the entire festival which is also the signatory dance of Ambrym Island, the Rom custom dance.
12 September, Discover the Hidden Treasures of Ambrym's People and Culture Lonwolwol Lake Beach, Ambrym. Contact jessietemar@gmail, WhatsApp +6785487330
830am welcome, pupu corne shell, bamboo flute music songs, Ceneang dance, sand drawing and black magic tricks, tamtama beats, lunch with string band entertainment, lake tour and history of the eruption, swimming and kayaking, garden tour, medgapode eggs sites visit, sailors night activities.
Paama Island Festival
Paama Island Mini Arts Festival TTevali Aot Village, Paama Island : July contact Sam Abel for bookings. Advance bookings essential: +678 5939483 Yachts should anchor off Tahi
Santo - Big Bay Cultural Festival July
The Big Bay Cultural Festival will be held at the Bay of Illusions Guest House at Mantanas, northern Santo. Yachts can anchor at Big Bay Matantas (Table Anchorage), close to where the first Spanish navigators arrived in Vanuatu. Santo Kastom Dancing, displays of traditional food preparation and weaving, sand drawing, kastom stories, as well as a delicious Melanesian feast. The village of Matantas is located at the entrance to Vanuatu’s largest Conservation Area – Vatthe and on the eastern shore of Big Bay. For further information contact Kehana or Ian at the Sanma Tourism Office, Ph +678 37719.
President Coolidge Anniversary Thursday 26 October, 08:00am - 05:00pm Contact + 67837365 or +678 5547001 Location Luganville, Santo.
2-26 July Maskelyne Canoe Race and Festival Sakao Island Malekula
A festival about traditional canoes with a feas, kastom dances, canoe-making, kava tasting, sharing of local meals and an outrigger canoe race. Contact Call +678 7783524
2-3 August Lamap Art and Cultural Festival, Port Sandwich Malekula
The local community of Lamap invites you to celebrate their culture, traditions and unique way of life
with a two-day art and cultural festival. Come and be part of an authentic pig exchange ceremony,
witness local skill displays, custom dance and stories, and tastes our delicious organic island cuisine. In
the evenings relax with our local string bands, kava tastings and plenty of cold tusker. A unique villagestay option is available for those guests who wish to gain a truly personal cultural experience. Lamap - Malekula Island • • Contact:
Tito (Francophone) +687 543 68141
George (Anglophone) +678 563 7623
Nalint Big Nambas Cultural Art Festival August
The Nalint Big Nambas tribe is hosting a cultural art festival. This event will in the future be an annual event. Contact August Valval +678 7799240 or 7755643 or 5618649 Mae Village, Malekula :
20-21 August Nalawan Festival Southwest Bay, Malekula
The Nalawan Festival, Fire Beach Lebo Village in South West Bay. This cultural festival is celebrated every year since the first ages by the fierce Smol Nambas warrior's tribes, as it marks the new start of their traditional calendar. Spectacular custom dances and authentic grade-taking ceremonies. South West Bay - Malekula Island • Damen Hopland +678 7785751 or +678 5371976
Namangi Luan Festival September
Namangi Luan- The South Malekula Small Tribes continues to maintain the practice of Grade Taking ceremony where an elderly Chief passes on his heritage to his First born son. An authentic ceremony will be staged in September at Malgen Village. Phone: 5548888 or 7748030
Gaua - Banks Islands
Lakona (Pwetevut) Bay Festival August Hosted by Chief John Star and Father Levi (local Anglican minister) and the villages of the Lakona Bay region, you will be personally welcomed into the community to experience local customs; including dances, music, food, wood/stone carving, plus much more. A good anchorage awaits you in the shadow of volcano Mt Garet, where fresh water pours from the black sand at the top of the beach.
Vanua Lava Banks Islands
West Vanua Lava Twin Waterfalls Festival August or September Get your yacht to Waterfall Bay on the west side of Vanua Lava in the Banks Island to attend the annual Twin Waterfalls Festival. There are poems, songs, exhibitions of house building and canoe building, dancing, feasting and much much more.
Vanua Lava is located at Lat S 13 ° 49.6 Long E 167 ° 22.8
• Approach on a course of about 120° (to avoid reef on south side of the bay)
• Anchor in 12m to 15m
St Bartholomew Festival August, 08:00am - 05:00pm Contact +678 59 77 429. Email:
Religious festival at Sisiol Village, Vanualavas
MotoLava, Banks Islands Torba Music and Arts Festival October Contact +678 734 2377 Email:
For more information and the latest updates on festivals, shows, and events visit: